Wish you could get together with other members more often? Have a special interest? Get more from your Club by joining a sub-club!
Here are the following sub-clubs that are being offered this year:
Book Lovers of Bavaria Club: Join fellow readers in discussion about a variety of books!
Food & Spirits Club: Try out local restaurants with friends! Sip your way around Bavaria tasting local wines, beer and more with your fellow drink lovers. That's the spirit!
Out & About Club: Adventure is out there! Members of this club will meet once a month at a different restaurant of their choosing in order to socialize and experience all of the new cuisine Europe has to offer! For all of you members who want to experience Germany this is also the place to discover the rich culture and history of Germany, with their fellow explorers.
Craft Lovers of Bavaria: Meet with your fellow craft lovers to enjoy and explore different crafting activities!
Outdoor Adventures Hiking Club: Join 'hike-minded' people, from beginners to advanced, to meet up for exploring the great outdoors. Come reconnect with nature, other spouses, and explore beautiful Bavaria.More information about each hike will be posted on the sub-club Facebook page. If you know someone who is interested in upcoming hikes please encourage them to sign up through membership. There will be a hike scheduled each week for different interests (for example, kid friendly hikes, long hikes, fitness hikes, etc.) and one featured hike a month.
Heart & Sole Running Club: Get your cardio in with fellow BCSC members! You don't have to be a seasoned runner to join. This group will coordinate different runs to accommodate different stages in running...even stroller-friendly ones!
Bunco & Games Club: Our newest sub-club is for all those game night members that love Bunco, board games, puzzles, and more! Get together monthly for a Game night with new and old friends.
Meeting dates, times and locations are determined by each sub-club.
Our sub-clubs are members-only organizations. You will receive links to the Facebook Groups and must enter your Member ID in the group request questions from your Wild Apricot member account to access the sub-club private Facebook groups. For more information on these sub-clubs or to suggest others, please contact [email protected].